64 Nice Messages To End A Situationship Over Text


A situationship might feel enjoyable at first. But, over time it’s not feeling any right. 

If you are at the stage, when you feel uncomfortable with a fling, you want to get out of it as soon as possible. 

There’s nothing to feel hesitant over it. 

When you are not sure how to end a situation over text, you will find some text examples in this article.

It just takes one final message, and you are ready to move on.


Best Texts To End A Situationship With A Guy

It was all fun, but now that all faded away. And, you realize that you don’t have to continue the situationship. But a guy is more into this thing. Well, it’s your choice and you have to make a move. If you don’t want to talk in person, you can simply text him that you want to end a casual relationship with him. And, that’s it. 

Best Texts To End A Situationship With A Guy

  1. Hey, I just want to tell you that It’s been good to spend time with you. But I no longer want this connection to continue. 
  2. We had so much fun in the last few weeks, but I’m not for this type of connection. 
  3. We are not getting anything good out of this connection.
  4. So far I experience, I realize that we are not a right match for one another. 
  5. I have spent enough time with you and I never felt the connection. Not a single time. 
  6. This isn’t working out as I want, so better if I move out of this. 
  7. In the beginning, it felt so good, but I am not comfortable now. 
  8. Well, this is not something that I want in life. Better not to continue it. 
  9. I need to move out of this connection, I’m just not ready for it. 
  10. This connection isn’t adding any value to my life. I don’t want to be part of it. 
  11. We have spent enough time with each other and I think I’m not interested in it anymore. 
  12. I think now it’s the time to tell you the truth that this connection isn’t for me. 
  13. Thank you for the good time, but I want to be free from such connection. 
  14. I feel that this relationship isn’t taking me to anything good. 
  15. This might be hard for you, but I think we should end this relationship now. 
  16. I am sorry, that I won’t be part of this connection anymore. 
  17. Thankful for this relationship I learned something more important for me. 
  18. Hope you can relate to my decision, that I’m ending this connection now. 
  19. Wish that you get someone right for you, but it’s not me. Sorry. 
  20. To be honest, I’m not feeling comfortable in our relationship. 
  21. Your behavior from yesterday shocked me. No one has ever behaved like this to me. 

READ NEXT: Better Texts To Send Your Ex After Break Up


Good Messages To End A Situationship Over Text

You both having a good time together. But for you, it’s not fun, not you are interested in continuing this situationship. To give your partner a hint that you want to end a situationship, better to send them messages like these.

Good Messages To End A Situationship Over Text

  1. I’m more into a serious relationship and not in a fling like this. 
  2. This might be fun for you, but not for me. This isn’t my type of connection. 
  3. I’m more interested in someone serious in a relationship and not careless. 
  4. I noticed that you are more into hookups and not into anything serious. 
  5. This relationship isn’t going in the right direction, I don’t want to keep it further. 
  6. Hope that you will meet someone interested in a fling. It’s not me, sorry. 
  7. It was a great time with you, but you won’t get to see me again. 
  8. We should put an end to our relationship. I don’t feel any right about it. 
  9. I hope that you will find the right person for the fling. It can’t be me, sorry. 
  10. We are here with our different perspectives on the relationship. 
  11. It’s over now, I don’t want to continue this connection. It’s not for me. 
  12. Hope that you can relate that for both of us, this relationship isn’t good anyway. 
  13. I want to be part of a relationship that adds some value to my life, but this isn’t the one. 
  14. Our goals are different from our relationship. So I’ve decided to go on a separate way. 
  15. We have to understand that this relationship isn’t taking us anywhere in life. 
  16. I don’t see any future in this connection, I don’t to invest more time in it. 
  17. This is over, I don’t want to be part of such a relationship. 
  18. Not sure about you, but for me, this isn’t working well anyway. 
  19. I’ve been thinking a lot about this relationship and I decided to get over it. 
  20. Let me tell you that I feel so uncomfortable about this situationship. 
  21. For everything that’s going on, I think I need to take a break now. 
  22. You are absolutely right at your place, but my expectations are just different.


Nice Text To End A Situationship And Stay Friends 

It started as a friendship and no one has any idea when it turned into more than that. But as earlier you realize, you want to stop it but keep it as friendship only. In such a situation, you can send them texts like these to make it clear that you will remain friends but not ‘Friends with benefits’. 

Nice Text To End A Situationship And Stay Friends

  1. I’m not ready for such a relationship, but we can stay friends, if you want also.
  2. Hey, I don’t want to develop feelings here. We better keep it as friends only. 
  3. We are not good at this connection. I want to keep it to friendship only. 
  4. Spending time with you is fine, and from now on I will keep it as just friendship.  
  5. It’s so good to meet you, you are a good person. But I will see you as just a friend. 
  6. I need some time off so that I can better understand what I want in life. 
  7. As I now know more about you, I have decided that we remain friends and not more. 
  8. I’m not available for fling, but for friendship. And I hope you understand it well. 
  9. With you have I has some good time, better if we remain as friends.  
  10. Actually, I need a break and I will be back soon but just as a friend to you. 
  11. I like to continue our friendship but there won’t be anything more.
  12. Hey, I have decided to continue this connection just as friends. 
  13. We won’t be part of this situationship, but friendship will be there forever. 
  14. I think we have rushed for this connection. Better if we remain friends first. 
  15. Sorry, but I have no romantic feelings for you. We can stay friends if you wish. 
  16. I don’t want to waste my time, so I think we treat each other just as friends. 
  17. Hey, this might be tough for you, but I see you only as friends and not more. 
  18. I will be happier if we stay just friends because more than that doesn’t feel right. 
  19. There is nothing common between us, we could remain friends, though. 
  20. I like to be with someone with whom I can relate closely. We could be friends and not more. 
  21. My gut feelings say that we need to end this connection if we want to keep the friendship.

READ NEXT: Cute Text Messages For Your Friends With Benefits



If you are not comfortable or interested in situationship or fling, you have to be very upfront about it.

It happens that first you were ready for such a connection and enjoyed it. 

But when you feel that you are not ready for it, and you want to end a situationship, let your partner know about it over text, or call, when personally isn’t possible. 

You don’t want to invest more in a relationship that adds no value to your life.

There is no need to keep satisfying another person when your needs and wants are different. 

Like most people, you could just ghost them. But that’s not the right move.

You should be very clear about your reason and let them know why you don’t want to be part of this ‘fling thing’. 

We hope that the shared text messages in this article will help you to end a situationship over text without having to take any pressure. 

Ketan P