64 Better Messages To Say “Thank You For Unexpected Gifts” Over Text


Last updated on September 21st, 2024 at 02:54 pm

You feel so surprised with unexpected gifts from your partner or friend. 

But for a special gift from your special someone, is saying ‘Thanks’ enough?

Not at all!

You better look for special ways to appreciate their love and care for you. 

If you need some ideas, let us help you with better messages to thank them for the surprise gifts on your birthday or special event.


Sweet “Thank You For The Surprise Gift, My Love” Messages 

Sweet “Thank You For The Surprise Gift, My Love” Messages

  1. I have been searching for the same. How did you come to know that this should be the right gift to me? 
  2. Thank you very much, my love, for this gift of a lifetime. Your surprises are always special. 
  3. With your surprise visit and this gift, you have made my special day a perfect one. 
  4. This is truly unexpected. Really, you have saved my day with your gifts. 
  5. Oh, you remember my birthday. I thought you forget about it. Thanks for the surprise. 
  6. I like to thank you for your surprise presence and unexpected presents.
  7. There was a constant smile while opening your gift, and it got even brighter when I opened the box. This is the best gift ever, my love. 
  8. It’s still so hard for me to believe that you surprised me with this. This expresses how much you love me. Thank you so much, dear!
  9. Thank you is just a small word for the unexpected gift you bought for me. I want to do something more for you. 
  10. I wasn’t ready for this one. You gave me a gift that no one can ever think to give even to their special person. I love it and you, of course. 
  11. So grateful to have you. This is a real surprise and that makes it an awesome one. Thank you for this gift, my love!
  12. You are the best and I mean in every sense. Who could even think of such a way of surprising, you? I love your gifts, dear!
  13. Just wow, what a perfect way to surprise someone. You know it the best. Thank you for this big surprise. 
  14. Thanks, my love for the presents. Everything you do for me is so surprising and always special to me. Love you more than anything. 

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Heartfelt “Thank You” Messages For An Unexpected Gift

Heartfelt “Thank You” Messages For An Unexpected Gift

  1. I can’t thank you enough for the surprise gift! You make my day with this present. 
  2. My love, this is such a precious gift to me, I always keep it with me.
  3. This is an unexpected gift and I can’t tell you how much I love this. Thanks a lot. 
  4. From the bottom of my heart, I like to thank you for surprising me with your gifts. 
  5. Right now, I am feeling so touched by your special gifts. Thank you, dear!
  6. You think of me more than anyone else. And this gift is the proof of that. 
  7. I truly appreciate your way of surprising me. You gave me the gift for life, thank you!
  8. Just opened your gift and I must say that you gave me something I was about to buy. 
  9. To me, this was an unexpected gift, but a perfect thing that I needed right now. 
  10. What a great surprise! And this is how to make someone’s day, love it!
  11. My love you know how to make my mood and day. You’re the best surprise. 
  12. At first, it was a surprise, but when I opened it became a life-changing gift to me. 

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Cute “Thank You” Messages For Unexpected Gift From Husband 

Cute “Thank You” Messages For Unexpected Gift From Husband

  1. My love you never fail to impress me with your unexpected gifts. 
  2. You might give me an unexpected gift, but to me, you’re the best gift.
  3. Now as I have your gifts, this day is complete. Thank you for this.
  4. I knew that you were up to something. So this is what you have been doing, huh?
  5. Oh, dear! You know how to make me feel special. I love you so much. 
  6. Your gifts leave me speechless; I have no words for how to thank you for this unexpected gift. 
  7. My dear husband, thank you for your love and this gift it is truly special to me. 
  8. There can’t be any perfect gift than this. Dear hubby, love you, and thanks a lot!
  9. You have melted my heart with this surprise. This is the biggest gift I ever have. 
  10. I never know that you are this great at picking the gifts. You did a great here. 
  11. My love, I want to give you a tight hug and kiss for this special gift. 
  12. Love your gift. But for me, it’s you who are the most special and surprising present from god. 

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Respectful “Thank You For Surprise Gift” Messages To Wife 

Respectful “Thank You For Surprise Gift” Messages To Wife

  1. Thank you so much for taking your time and especially for your gifts. 
  2. I already feel that there must be something cool in this. I’m about to open your presents. 
  3. What a perfect gift to give someone unexpectedly. You know what I want. 
  4. Love your gift, I can’t wait to try it out. Thanks for surprising me. 
  5. This is one of the best surprises I have ever received. Thank you so much, love. 
  6. A gift like this is proof of how much you care about me. Thank you, dear, for this surprise. 
  7. I don’t think that thank you is enough for such a special gift. Something unexpected coming to you, as well. 
  8. There’s no way I could expect what you bought for me. But when I opened the box, I was very surprised. Thank you so much for this present. 
  9. I feel so lucky to have a partner like you who loves me so much and who knows me. Thank you, my love, for this unexpected gift on my special day. 
  10. Only you could surprise me with such a gift. Thank you, dear, you are the best at it. 
  11. With this unexpected gift, you have proved that you know me more than I know myself. Thank you, my love!
  12. This is the most surprising gift to me. And I don’t think anyone can think of it. 
  13. With this gift, you have proved that you love me more than I know. So grateful to have you in my life. 
  14. Your way of surprising me always makes my day. thank you, dear, for your all love and respect towards me.


Funny Messages To Thank For Unexpected Gifts From Friends

Funny Messages To Thank For Unexpected Gifts From Friends

  1. Now as I have your gift, I can say that my birthday feels complete. 
  2. I have been waiting for you to surprise me. And, you didn’t miss this time, too. 
  3. Dear friend, how you can think of such unique gifts? I want to know really. 
  4. It seems that you have read my mind. How do you know that I want this? 
  5. Even though you are the best thing that ever happened to me, I love your surprises. 
  6. I wish I could surprise you with unexpected gifts. But I am not like you. 
  7. It’s not just me but everyone is so impressed by the surprise gift you sent.
  8. This is a surprise that I’m not going to forget easily. You gave the best thing. 
  9. And this is how someone should surprise others. You do it the best, friend. 
  10. What a wonderful and expected gift! No one ever dared to think about it. 
  11. Thank you for always thinking of me. I promise I will surprise you the same way. 
  12. I love surprises! But this one is unexpected and I love your gift, my friend. 

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Those ‘unexpected gifts’ are the genuine expression of true love and respect.

You might be thinking that your partner or friend forgot about your special day. But no, they sent you a surprise gift that you never think of. 

For thinking of you, you should not keep it limited to ‘Thanks’ only. 

Better if you send cute, heartfelt, and sweet “Thank you” messages for the unexpected gifts from your special someone. 

Show them that their gift not only surprises you but also makes you feel so special, as well. 

Ketan P