84 Better Things To Ask Your Crush Over Text


Last updated on September 14th, 2024 at 02:37 pm

While texting with your crush, you have so many things to ask them. 

But that ‘fear’ always stops you. And, you prefer the normal chat. 

Well, improve your connection, you need some interesting, flirty, and funny questions to ask your crush over text. 

So that you create comfort and understand their interest. 

Be sure about their mood and your connection level, before asking these questions to your crush. 


Interesting Things To Ask Your Crush Over Text

Interesting Things To Ask Your Crush Over Text

  1. What do you trust the most: hard work or luck? 
  2. What is the proudest thing you do in your life? 
  3. In the future, where will you want to settle? 
  4. How many members are in your family?
  5. If you could have a pet at home, would it be a dog or a cat? 
  6. Do you want to hang out on the weekend or want to spend by yourself?
  7. What is the time when you feel the most productive? 
  8. Do you prefer to work early in the morning or till late at night?
  9. What is something that stopping you from achieving your goals? 
  10. Does your family call you with the same name or do you have a pet name? 
  11. How much happy you are in your present job? 
  12. Where do you want to travel in the coming vacation? 
  13. Do you ever consider traveling to somewhere all alone? 
  14. If we decide to go on a trip together, where do you want to go with me? 
  15. What is your favorite memory that still excites you the most? 
  16. What is that one thing without that you can’t survive a day? 
  17. What is the most favorite moment from your childhood? 
  18. Are you close to your friends from college or school? 
  19. What is special about your hometown? 
  20. How often do you lie for your benefit?
  21. Did you find what is your passion in your life?

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Flirty Things To Ask Your Crush While Texting

Flirty Things To Ask Your Crush While Texting

  1. How would you know that you found a perfect match for you? 
  2. What is something that makes a perfect date? 
  3. Did anyone approach you? 
  4. What is the best quality in someone that makes you fall for them? 
  5. What was your first thought when you saw me for the first time? 
  6. What is that one thing you like and dislike about me? 
  7. If you have a crush on someone, will you wait or make a move? 
  8. Is there anyone in your life that you feel so special about? 
  9. What is the best compliment anyone has given to you?
  10. How many guys you have rejected so far? 
  11. Do you play hard to get or make it easy for them?
  12. What is something that you want to know more about me? 
  13. What quality makes you attracted to someone the most? 
  14. How would you rate your first kiss out of 10? 
  15. Do you consider looks or personality when choosing a life partner? 
  16. What is the best thing you want to do to my face? 
  17. Have you ever had a crush on someone or do you have one right now? 
  18. Which romantic movie has a big influence on your mind? 
  19. What are some qualities we have in common? 
  20. Are you ready to take risks or stay reserved to express your love? 
  21. Do you have a crush on me? 


Funny Things To Ask Your Crush Over Text

Funny Things To Ask Your Crush Over Text

  1. What is the most embarrassing thing ever happened to you? 
  2. What is something you want to do before you die? 
  3. What is the craziest thing you ever do in your life? 
  4. How comfortable you are with dealing with personal roasts? 
  5. Are your friend laugh at your jokes or do they make fun of you?
  6. What is something about you that you never shared with anyone? 
  7. What first thing you would do if you were being attacked by a zombie? 
  8. What do you love the most: pizza or pasta?
  9. What is your weird habit that no one noticed but you have it? 
  10. If you could transform yourself into an animal, what it would be? 
  11. What is the weird fact about you that only your close friend knows?
  12. Have you ever cried for the wrong recon and then regretted it? 
  13. What superpower do you think can make the a world better place? 
  14. What is the meanest thing you ever say to someone? 
  15. Have you ever made someone regret proposing to you? 
  16. What would you do if a girl like me approached you in public? 
  17. How many times do you fall for someone and think it was true love? 
  18. What is something that makes you stay single forever? 
  19. Have you ever cried because your friends are doing better than you?
  20. Are you underrated or overrated, what do you think about yourself?
  21. How would you test someone who says they are in love with you?  

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Romantic Questions To Ask Your Crush Over Text

Romantic Questions To Ask Your Crush Over Text

  1. According to you what is the definition of love? 
  2. Do you believe love exists in this world? 
  3. Can anyone love someone without any expectations? 
  4. What is the biggest lesson you learned from your parents’ marriage life? 
  5. What is the pillar of a successful love life? 
  6. Which quality do you wish your partner to have? 
  7. Do you believe that God has created the one for everyone? 
  8. What random things that partner say or do that sound so romantic? 
  9. What’s your advice to someone in a long-distance relationship? 
  10. How relationship can impact positively on someone’s life? 
  11. What would you do to make your partner feel loved the most? 
  12. What are your thoughts on the present marriage system? 
  13. How would you improve intimacy with your partner? 
  14. Which is your dream location to spend quality time with your partner?
  15. What is the most romantic thing you do for your future partner? 
  16. How excited you are about your future love life? 
  17. Which is more successful: love marriage or arranged marriage? 
  18. What is the small thing that you find the most romantic in a relationship?
  19. What is the special thing one can do for someone to express their romance? 
  20. If you have romantic feelings for someone, how would you express it? 
  21. What do you prefer the most, pure romance or passionate love? 

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When you are developing a connection with your crush, you want to be careful. 

Yes, things you ask your crush and how they answer matters to you both. 

That is why we prepared this list of the best questions to ask your crush while chatting with him or her.  

This, of course, will keep the conversation going with your crush as well as you get to know about their interest. 

Overall, this will help you in deciding how to make a move in the future. 

Ketan P