59 Nice Messages To End A Friendship Over Text


No matter how old it might be, a toxic friendship has to end for ‘your good’. 

You can’t remain silent and weigh all the pressure.

That’s not healthy. 

You better do end a friendship over text when you can’t do it in person. 

Just one message and it’s all DONE. 

You should try these short and nice message examples which can help to break up with your toxic friend. 


Nice Way To End A Toxic Friendship Over Text 

Nice Way To End A Toxic Friendship Over Text

  1. Hey friend, I have heard enough, I don’t want to have any connection with you. 
  2. Goodbye, dear friend. I hope I won’t get to see you again. 
  3. Due to the difference between us, I have decided to move on from this friendship.
  4. I have spent enough time to realize that we can’t be friends. 
  5. Hey, I just want to tell you that I no longer want to keep this friendship. 
  6. What happened between us, completely shocked me. And I have decided to end this friendship with you. 
  7. I no longer want to deal with you anymore. And I’m sure you know the reason. 
  8. Do you think this friendship has any good meaning? I don’t. So better if we end it forever. 
  9. This isn’t the connection that I hoped for. So, better if we move on with life. 
  10. You might be funny to others. But I don’t think that we enjoy being your friend. 
  11. Hey, I have already given you lots of chances. But you don’t seem to change. So I should get out of this connection. 
  12. What you said about me and my family is in no way acceptable. I no longer want to remain your friend.
  13. I’m not going to apologize for what you did for me. A true friend never did such a thing.
  14. Do you think despite you doing all things, I will ever be able to trust you again? Never. 
  15. Let me make it official that I want this friendship to end. So that no one will be bothered.
  16. Friendship means accepting differences. And I don’t think you ever understand that. 
  17. I have been noticing how badly you treat me in friendship. That I want to end this connection forever. 

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Clever Friendship Ending Messages To Send

Clever Friendship Ending Messages To Send

  1. Sorry dear friend, for expecting too much from you. But I can’t accept you as my friend. 
  2. My friend, consider this the last message I sent you. because you won’t get to hear from my end again. 
  3. Our goals and mindsets are different. So it’s better that we no longer remain friends. 
  4. I think it’s my time to move on from this connection. All the best and keep doing what you do. 
  5. I have tried everything to keep the friendship. But I have given up that there’s nothing good ever happened between us. 
  6. Thank you for everything, dear friend. I’m blocking your number to keep the distance. 
  7. Being in a friendship with you I learn many things. Mostly negative. And I can’t keep up with that. 
  8. We have had some good times. But something went too far and I think we should go apart. 
  9. It’s been a long time since we haven’t texted, I have been waiting for your response. But finally, I think this is the end of our friendship. Bye. 
  10. So shocking to see the toxicity in your nature. It helped me decide that I wanted to move on. 
  11. This friendship has nothing good for me. I don’t think that I should keep it going. 
  12. There’s no alignment in our feelings and connection. So I decided to end this connection with you. 
  13. Sorry dear friend, but to me my self-respect is everything. Yes, even more than this friendship. 
  14. I don’t want to force this friendship on any of us. Better if we close this connection. 
  15. We have spent some good time together. But I decided to move on, as there’s nothing positive left in it. 
  16. Our friendship is no longer feeling as exciting and positive as ever. I want to move on with my life without it. 
  17. This friendship is going on a dark side. And I don’t want anyone to suffer because of it. 


Good Messages To Break Up With A Friend Over Text

Good Messages To Break Up With A Friend Over Text

  1. I have given you a second chance. But now I don’t think that you deserve any more chance. 
  2. The conflicts are routine in our friendship and I don’t want this to keep it going. So I’m leaving this friendship with you. 
  3. We have reached the toxicity in friendship and I think we shouldn’t continue this friendship.
  4. The recent incident has taught me many things about your nature. That helps me decide that I want to move away from this friendship. 
  5. A friendship with you hasn’t added any value to my life. I don’t want to invest in it anymore. 
  6. There’s no way our friendship can be as good as it was before. Better if we end it here.  
  7. I have to be real with you I don’t want to remain your friend anymore. 
  8. This might be as hard for you as it is for me. But I decided that I should unfriend you. 
  9. What just happened has opened my eyes and made me realize that this friendship isn’t right for me anyway.
  10. The friendship has to be two-way. And I can’t be the only one who trying to fix it. 
  11. Sorry, I can’t relate to your higher expectations. I am leaving a space for someone who can fit it. 
  12. I’m going out of your life forever, dear friend. Good bye and may you find a better friend. 
  13. I have nothing more to explain or say to you. I just want to end a friendship with you.
  14. Usually, I don’t give up on friendship, but this is too much that I have to do. 
  15. This friendship has taught me the most important life lesson and that is to when to move on. 
  16. Our old friendship was the best. We shouldn’t have to start it again. I regret it now. 
  17. Hey, neither we two have to try hard to keep this friendship. Because I end it here. 


Short Text Messages To End A Friendship

Short Text Messages To End A Friendship

  1. You might be a good friend. But not for me. 
  2. I’m not sure what you want, but I know that I don’t want this friendship.
  3. Goodbye, friends. You won’t get to hear from my end again.
  4. This is the shortest friendship I have ever had with someone. 
  5. Our paths are different so I have decided to go apart. 
  6. This friendship is one-way and I no longer want to keep it. 
  7. What’s the matter of the friendship, when there is no respect for me?
  8. You have changed a lot lately. I can’t relate to what you become, friend. 
  9. When I think about our friendship, I see nothing positive in it.  
  10. With such a toxic nature, I can’t allow you in my life.
  11. Sorry but not sorry, you don’t deserve to be my friend. 
  12. It’s a goodbye from me, friend. Take care and if possible, then change. 
  13. I can’t take this friendship any further. I’m moving on. Bye. 
  14. Finally, I have decided to walk away from you. Please don’t try to reconnect. 
  15. I no longer want to have any connection with you.
  16. This friendship has no good reason to continue. I’m ending it here. 
  17. I don’t feel that our connection will ever go back to the stage it was before. 
  18. Good bye, my friend. I think you deserve a better friend than me.

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Don’t be sad that you have to move away from a friend. 

This isn’t selfish. But a requirement. 

When a friendship gets toxic and starts to hurt your self-respect, you should move on without it. 

Understanding how tough to tell your friend that you want to end a friendship with them in person, we have prepared these text examples for you. 

We hope that you find the perfect messages to end a friendship over text from this list. 

Do it, without much waiting.

Release yourself from toxicity and be free. You don’t deserve that friend.

Ketan P