36 Better Text Messages To Send After Break Up


Last updated on September 27th, 2024 at 04:51 pm

After break up, your all chances to win them back are over, too.

So, better not to try it. 

Here you can send them a final goodbye message after a breakup and leave this relationship like a mature does.

Well, that’s nothing wrong with that. 

For that time you spend together, you can thank them and also appreciate them for their caring nature. 

In this article, we are sharing good messages to text your ex after breaking up with them. 


Positive Messages To Send After Break-Up

Breakup isn’t something that anyone wants to deal with. But it happens, for some reason and one must accept it. With these positive texts, you make your partner look at the right side of break up and move on. 

Positive Messages To Send Your Ex After Break Up


  1. Hey, I know that it’s over between us, but I just want to thank you for the good times. Good to see that you understand a person. 
  2. Seeing you go this way is painful. But I think we took the decision at the right time. 
  3. We might have differences, but we will be each other’s supporters, okay? I am still your friend to help you out.
  4. This relationship might not have ended well, but we need to be hopeful in life and move on with good memories. 
  5. I hope that you get back normally quicker after our break up, please don’t worry about me, too. 
  6. We tried our best to make it work, but I think going on a separate way is our destiny now. 
  7. Thank you for accepting my decision and letting me go with dignity. 
  8. How time flies, two days before we were together and now going away forever. That’s life, we have to move on. 
  9. The level of respect and support you provided me, I don’t think that I will get from anyone. So, thank you very much. 

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Mature After Break Up Text Messages For Him or Her

To express that you accept their breakup decision and have no hard feelings for them, send mature messages like these. It shows that you feel sorry and can relate to their feelings as well. Also, such messages are a better choice than blaming them for leaving you.

Mature After Break Up Text Messages For Him or Her

  1. Well, our breakup was unexpected, but it was necessary. I’m glad you handled the situation so well, being mature. 
  2. Neither you hurt me or me, it’s just our differences. I am happy that we both have accepted that it like matures. 
  3. This is just a breakup; I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. We don’t get along well and we have to accept it, that’s all. 
  4. Our relationship might not last that long, but I think we are mature enough to understand the differences so early and waste no one’s time. 
  5. We gave each other time, space, and everything to make it work. But I feel that we have to accept that this relationship never rises again and better if we move apart. 
  6. In case you are still upset, please you don’t have to. See I also have accepted that we aren’t perfect for each other. Please move on, there’s more to do in life. 
  7. Well, I wish that I could fix something in our connection. But this is the end, nothing more to do. We could be together as friends, nothing more. 
  8. I really wish you the best for your future life. Hope you find the right partner the same as you expected from me. Keep searching, you will have him soon. 
  9. I’m sure this must be the first breakup that happened without any drama but mutual understanding. Wish everyone could relate to each other’s feelings this way, instead of leaving with hurting each other. 


Touching Messages To Text Them After Break Up

You both together had the best time and this relationship is over now. But there would be just memories. If you miss your girlfriend or boyfriend and want to text something heart-touching after breaking up with them, here’s the list.

Touching Messages To Text Them After Break Up

  1. Hey, spending time with you was the best experience for me. But I don’t think this is something I wanted in my life. Thanks for valuing my decision to move on. 
  2. You are such a nice guy, but I didn’t feel that connection and we have to break up. I am so sorry that I can’t give you the same love. 
  3. I am lucky to spend time with you. But things weren’t that well and we had to break up. Thank you for understanding my decision and let me go. 
  4. Everything you did for me, I will always remain grateful for that. I feel sorry that I’m losing a partner like you, but if you are happy, then I don’t mind you leaving. 
  5. I like to thank you for the time we spent together. In case you wonder, yes, I also miss you and I’m sure it’s harder for you as well to get over it right? If you wish we can meet in person. 
  6. Our relationship might not work any well, but I just you to know that I still care about you and I will keep doing so. I won’t be there with you as a lover, but as a friend forever. 
  7. Because we have had so many amazing memories, it would be hard to get over this breakup. But don’t worry, everything will be fine after some time.
  8. I don’t have any hard feelings for you, I hope you don’t carry such feelings, either. It’s just the differences between us and we have to accept it. 
  9. Hey, I tried my best to be someone you wanted, but I couldn’t, so sorry. But I am very sure that you will find the perfect one you need in future. 

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Goodbye Messages To Send After Break Up

Goodbye Messages To Send After Break Up

This relationship has taught you many important things and you loved this person. But as you both decided to go on a separate way, sending a sweet final goodbye message is the right move after the breakup.  Try some ideas from here.

  1. Hey, goodbye, we might be away now. But don’t think that I hate you, I like you to move on without any hard feelings but positivity only.  
  2. I’m so sorry that we have to break up in such a situation. This is required, so please don’t think too much about it. Take care and goodbye. 
  3. I was really never ready for this either. But things happened so fast and I couldn’t do anything. Anyway, we have to accept it, bye!
  4. Wish I could hold you, wish I could explain my situation. But seeing you talking about your feelings, I have decided to let you go. So, I’m not forcing you to stay. 
  5. You might be wondering why I’m not stopping you, Right? Well, I respect your feelings and can understand you might have a good reason to go.
  6. This is the final time you hear from me, from now you won’t get to see or hear anything from me. I have nothing more to say but goodbye and stay safe. 
  7. How things between us ended wasn’t any good. But I think if you want a breakup, I have nothing else but to accept it. Goodbye, best wishes for your life. 
  8. Thank you for sharing the good times, we had a short but amazing time. It’s hard but I will be normal soon. Goodbye, you take care of yourself, too. 
  9. You are the most amazing person I ever known. But fine, if our relationship doesn’t last as long as I expected. But I’m glad that we separated happily. Bye, hope to see you after a few years. 

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Instead of making the breakup painful or frustrating to both, you want to treat it maturely. As it’s a mutual decision.

Fine, if you both couldn’t get along so well or for long, but you can at least leave with dignity.

In texting, you can say something nice to them. 

You could thank them for the memories, or what they have done, or what you learned from them. 

With shared text messages to send your ex after break up, you wish them goodbye and best for the future without carrying hard feelings. 

Such positive messages will ease the pain and help each other move on from this breakup. 

Ketan P